Choosing Dental Health, Three Reasons Why It Is a Wise Choice for Care
Most of us think that taking care of our teeth is about having a great smile and avoiding the discomfort of a toothache. Although any dentist will say these are valid and important reasons for maintaining a good dental health program, there are three other equally strong reasons to consider.
First of all, dental health is part of your overall health. Second, choosing dental health is a wise investment of your time and financial resources. Third, your emotional well-being is influenced by how you think and feel about yourself. Your smile is a big part of your image of yourself. Let's examine each of these areas more thoroughly.
Your Physical Health
How easy it is to forget that our teeth, gums, and mouth are essential parts of our physical body. Periodontal disease, bone and gum loss, and infections all affect the overall picture of our physical health. The ability to chew our food well helps digestion and reduces stress on the gastrointestinal system.
Like any physical system, each part of the body plays a role in the overall health of the system; taking care of your teeth and gums is a part of an intentional plan for physical health. In collaboration with your dentist and dental team, you can create a plan for your dental health that will contribute to your overall health plan.
Dental Care - A Wise Investment
When treatment is necessary, the new dentistry is also an investment in your financial future. Proper treatment today prevents more costly complications and uncomfortable problems tomorrow. For those who seek to maintain their dental health for life, it is a wise investment to get the most value from the knowledge and skills your dentist and the new dentistry offers you.
Dental Hygiene - Emotional Well-Being
How you feel and think about yourself is an important part of your emotional well-being and a pleasant smile plays a big role in this. In addition, when you take an active role in caring for yourself, it also contributes to your overall sense of competence in managing your life and maintaining a positive lifestyle. The habit of dental health self-care and regular dental hygiene examinations reinforces taking positive steps for yourself in other areas of your life.
The new dentistry also can provide you with innovative and effective ways to create and maintain a pleasant smile that you feel good about. When it comes to feeling good about yourself and your smile, the new dentistry offers many exciting and effective options.
By Brian DesRoches, PhD
+Jim Du Molin is a leading Internet search expert helping individuals and families connect with the right dentist in their area. Visit his author page.
Dental Cleaning: The Right Schedule for You
The chemistry of your mouth is as unique as your signature. No two are exactly alike. And so, when it says in popular magazines that "you" need only a dental hygiene appointment twice a year to stay in good dental health, some dentists get very concerned. They don't know you. They're referring to an "average" patient. Dental insurance plans also tend to believe in this mythical "average patient" and may not pay for more than a bi-annual visit.
Sure, two visits are fine for many patients, even most. But some mouths build up more deposits of calculus than others. Some mouths are naturally decay-prone. Still others, and this is critical, may be showing signs of periodontal problems.
Bleeding gums need to be taken seriously. They're signs of an infection that can be a significant risk factor for heart disease. If you had a bleeding sore on your hand that didn't heal you'd get to a doctor and have him check it out, right? Type I perio (gingivitis) consists of tender gums and a little bacteria-filled pocket between your tooth and gum. It's easily treatable at this point. But if the infected pockets are allowed to enlarge, that inflammation can extend to the bone beneath and erode it.
Your dentist's concern is for your overall oral health and your teeth, not whether you've made the standard number of appointments for this year. He or she wants the chemistry to be right in your mouth… and between the two of you.
+Jim Du Molin is a leading Internet search expert helping individuals and families connect with the right dentist in their area. Visit his author page.